Sunday 21 October 2012

First Kiss

I brought her to my yacht club on our 2nd date and had a late dinner. Started at 9 finished close to 11, nearly 2 hours. It was a very English dinner with full table setting; 3 sets of cutleries, soup spoon, butter knife and 2 wine glasses. She was overwhelmed staring down at the table, so I patiently explained what they were for and when to use them. It was taught by my primary school teacher that if you want to test a girl bring her to a full course western dinner, so I did, from that moment I knew she’s just an average girl next door.

After dinner we took a walk on the floating dock investigating every yacht and dreaming of having one, but reality sets in to tell us it’s never practical to have a yacht and only use it on weekends, so we agreed. Both of us are on the same frequency and somewhat similar mindset. We went back to the restaurant on the 2nd floor, which was closed by then, 12am and we sat on a bench outside the restaurant looking out to the sea, the wind was blowing so again, I wrap my arms around her. We kept quiet for a while then we started to hug each other. I pat her chic and ask her if she ever had such experience, she kept quiet, and I gave a few more kisses on her face and suddenly she turns around started to kiss me on my lips. That’s our first kiss and I was shocked because she did so well, till today I’m still wondering am I the first person she every kiss. Guess I’ll never know.

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